In this episode, I explore Sign #4 of the Five Signs of the Parish Movement, “Collaborating for God’s Renewal,” by talking about why collaboration is so desperately needed in the world right now, examining a story about King David that teaches how not to collaborate, and outlining the three critical steps towards collaboration in the neighborhood.
*Originally posted at
*Learn from 30 neighborhoods in 30 days by following the RePlacing Church #NeighborhoodsForDays Odyssey
Series Summary: Parish church expressions are emerging in neighborhoods everywhere. Whatever they are called – neighborhood church plants, missional communities, neomonastic communities, faith-based social enterprises – these diverse expressions seem to exhibit five common signs as they join God’s renewal in their particular places. In this five part series, I explore the Five Signs of the Parish Movement:
- Centering on Christ
- Inhabiting Our Parish
- Gathering to Remember
- Collaborating for God’s Renewal
- Linking Across Parishes
Collaborating for God’s Renewal: Joining God’s renewal within the broken systems of our world, we seek to reconcile fractured relationships and celebrate differences by collaborating across cultural barriers and learning to live in solidarity with those in need.
Related Episodes:
- Episode 22: Reesheda Graham-Washington & Community Transformation | Social Entrepreneur & Community Developer
- Episode 25: Dee Yaccino & Social Capital | Co-Director of Del Camino Connection
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