Noel Castellanos joins me to talk about what Christian community development is and his journey into it, what Ezra and Nehemiah teach us about neighborhood leadership and rebuilding neighborhoods, why planting Sunday-centered churches isn’t enough, what his greatest concerns are for young leaders who care about justice, and how his Chicago neighborhood and the Camino de Santiago opened his eyes to the struggle of immigrants.
*Originally posted at
*Learn from 30 neighborhoods in 30 days by following the RePlacing Church #NeighborhoodsForDays Odyssey*
Noel Castellanos is the Chief Executive Officer of the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA). He has lived in the Little Village in Chicago’s Lawndale neighborhood for 25 years. He is the author of Where the Cross Meets the Street: What happens to the neighborhood when God is at the center.
–CCDA Conference in LA, August 31 – September 3
–El Camino del Inmigrante
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