I co-facilitate the Thresholds Cohort for community creators, an 18-month collaborative journey created specifically to provide insight and direction for those who have just launched or who would like to launch a neighborhood church expression. Facilitated by the experienced Practitioner-Guides of the Thresholds Community, the Cohort consists of personal coaching calls, group learning calls, reading and reflection, and 5 in-person gatherings.

Currently, I co-facilitate a cohort in Seattle, WA. Additional cohorts take place in San Diego, CA and Colorado Springs, CO. For more information, check out the Thresholds Cohort Info pdf or inquire by filling out the form below.

Michael Frost Missiologist, Speaker & Author of The Shaping of Things to Come, The Road to Missional, and Incarnate

"I can’t hide it, I’m a big fan of Thresholds' leaders. Thresholds is not just based on their reading or research into the missional paradigm, it is the fruit of 12 years of radical incarnation and neighborhood transformation. One look at the curriculum for the program will convince you they are the folks to teach you deep, practical, sustainable postures for engaging your neighborhood missionally. Join them!"

Training Inquiry

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Your Interest in or Questions about the Thresholds Missional Community Cohort