In this episode, I discuss the first of the Five Signs of the Parish Movement, “Centering on Christ,” by talking about road rage, Ephesians 4, and Christian accents.

Parish church expressions are emerging in neighborhoods everywhere. Whatever they are called – neighborhood church plants, missional communities, neomonastic communities, faith-based social enterprises – these diverse expressions seem to exhibit five common signs as they join God’s renewal in their particular places. In this five part series, I explore the Five Signs of the Parish Movement: Centering on Christ, Inhabiting the Parish, Gathering to Remember, Collaborating for God’s Renewal, and Linking Across Parishes.

Centering on Christ: Formed by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, we seek to share life together as a tangible expression of Christ’s body in our parish. Saying that Christ is at the center is not just a way of life together. As communities we commit to love one another and grow together with Christ within the grime and beauty of our everyday stories.

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