The Parables of Eloheh Farm with Dr. Randy Woodley (Bonus Episode!)
It's true! RePlacing Church is now on Patreon, which means you can partner with this podcast so that I can continue to offer quality content and insightful interviews that will help you grow in your faith and practice!
You can become a RePlacing Church Patron […]
Preparing for Peacemaking Post-Charlottesville
If you've spent any time in the Twitterverse, by now you've seen all sorts of responses and recommended responses for the church – and they don't all agree. I just want to highlight two things:
1. What we witnessed was nothing new – especially […]
The Church That Devours Its Young
“He called me into his office the day before I was supposed to make partner,” my friend recently told me. He had been an accountant at this firm for his entire career since he graduated college 14 years earlier. That day his boss […]
The Four Essential Missional Practices of Neighborhood Church Planting
Most people who get involved in neighborhood church planting end up becoming failed missionaries. And I think you should become one too!
You see, once you “swallow the pill” of seeking to be the church in a particular place, you end up discovering that much of […]
5 Church Planting Lessons I Learned From A Startup Brewery
Last weekend I took a quick trip from Seattle to my hometown of Milwaukee, WI. My brother’s baby was turning one. Over 500 people came out to celebrate. There were live bands on a big stage, multiple food trucks and plenty of port-o-potties. […]
Where have all the young people gone?
“Where have all the young people gone?”
The pastors and parents and denominational leaders wondered and waited and researched.
But there they were, a crowd of twenty- and thirty-somethings, two hundred strong, streaming into the old church building. They arrived early, clutching their books, and fought for […]
Why We Need Inefficiency Experts
My legs were burning and my heart was racing. I had just conquered a steep hill, ten blocks from my house. Usually I would quickly turn the corner and finish my run home. But this time, I stopped abruptly.
“If you don’t have […]
Five Vital Practices for the Church of the Future
What sci-fi films can teach us about where to look for the church
A few years ago at a big church growth conference, missiologist and author, Alan Hirsch, posed the question:
“How come churches never feature in sci-fi movies?”
I’m not sure how he answered the question — I only saw the […]
What Walking 30 Neighborhoods Taught Me About Being the Church
All good things must come to an end… My family’s #NeighborhoodsForDays Odyssey (which I announced in late June) — learning from 30 neighborhoods in 30 days — ended yesterday when we arrived safely back home in Seattle. But […]
The #NeighborhoodsForDays Odyssey

Hey Friends,
This is Ben Katt of the RePlacing Church Podcast where we explore spirituality, community, and social change to help people imagine, create, and lead neighborhood expressions of church.
I want to announce something I’m doing this summer called #neighborhoodsfordays! (You can listen
Why Churches Should Celebrate Declining Numbers

(Click here to jump right to Episode 26 of the RePLACING CHURCH Podcast with DeAmon Harges and Mike Mather)
At over 3000 members, Broadway United Methodist Church was the largest church in the state of Indiana.
More […]
Lessons from a Legacy of Community Development: A Conversation with Reesheda Graham-Washington

(To jump right to Episode 22 of the RePLACING CHURCH Podcast with Reesheda Graham-Washington, visit iTunes, Google Play or Podbean!)
Is there anything of which one can say,
“Look! This is something new”?
It was here already, long ago;