Is a worship gathering enough to form us in the way of Jesus? Or are there other ways we can gather? Do “good teaching” and thoughtful worship actually increase our longing for God's kingdom? Or is there another more powerful and formative way?
In this episode of RePlacing Church, I interact with my friend Matt’s mastery of Sonos sound systems, the work of philosopher James K.A. Smith in You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit and the insights of futurist Kevin Kelly in The Inevitable: 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future to explore how we can create spaces beyond Sunday to reform the church in the way of Jesus.
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Episode Song Credits: “Another Wrong to Right” and “You Won't Walk Alone” by Mercir. “Closed” by Zadok Wartes. Used with Permission.
Production Assistance by Nate Tubbs.