Gideon Tsang is a pastor with Vox Veniae in east Austin, Texas which pioneered Space 12, a unique non-profit collaborative space which serves as a neighborhood gathering point hosting art shows, concerts, slam poetry events, computer classes, and dance classes, while partnering with neighborhood associations and varying organizations. In this episode of RePlacing Church, he joins me to talk about:

  • How the city gave their church their voice
  • Learning how to release agendas
  • The joys and struggles of starting a third space as a church
  • Pastoral burnout and the challenges of slowing down in a frantic culture
  • How not to be a pastor obsessed with performance (especially on Easter)
  • Why talent is a curse


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Episode Song Credits: “Another Wrong to Right” and “You Won't Walk Alone” by Mercir. “Closed” by Zadok Wartes. Used with Permission.

Production Assistance by Nate Tubbs.